It’s hard to single one achievement out. There’s huge satisfaction in applying engineering and design techniques to surgical and prosthetic applications since the results directly impact on lives of those who are being treated. Receiving and Queen’s Anniversary Prize that recognising enduring research and application in this area is, I suppose the greatest achievement outside the case-specific outputs.
This question has made me think quite a bit. A few years ago I might have said passing my doctorate, but since then I feel there’s been so much more. I love the teaching and the school demonstrations I get to do as an engineer at my workplace.
It’s great when I talk to someone and show them an artificial heart valve and they say ‘my gran has one’. They can see and touch it for themselves and understand how these valves save lives.
I think one of the greatest achievement is that I recently received my chartered status (CEng) from Engineering Council and became a member of Institute of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE).
My greatest achievements have both been working on devices that started as an idea and then seeing them progress. One has been used in an operation and the other is now being used in a big project looking at treating cancer. The amount of hard work to get from the beginning of the project to where we are now makes it feel like a big achievement.
As both of those projects used ideas that nobody else has used the feeling of having an achievement is even greater. Sometimes, even in engineering, it can be quite competitive. So, knowing that we are working at the top of our game is very rewarding.