• Question: What is the most challenging part of your Job

    Asked by Tean101 to Dominic, Maedeh, Matthew, Matt, Monica on 4 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by Maia, 10jlam, frances, Lauren.
    • Photo: Maedeh Borhani

      Maedeh Borhani answered on 4 Mar 2016:

      Sometimes, my data collection goes horribly wrong. It is very frustrating not only for me but also for the volunteer/patient who is participating in the experiment.

    • Photo: Matthew Round

      Matthew Round answered on 4 Mar 2016:

      Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If” starts:

      If you can keep your head when all about you
      Are losing theirs and blaming it on you…

      The nature of the serious impact of systems / devices not being available (or working as expected) can make for a very pressurised environment and this can present a challenging situation. I try and think about Kipling when this is happening. He also bakes exceedingly good cakes.

    • Photo: Matthew Oldfield

      Matthew Oldfield answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      I have to be very patient. Often it can take a long time to test an idea or for equipment to arrive. Nothing happens as quickly as I would like. Being patient and careful really does get rewarded though. The results are normally better than when I try to rush an experiment or don’t take the time to consider all of the things that may be important for a test or design change.

    • Photo: Monica Rozeik

      Monica Rozeik answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      Probably spending a lot of time to get something to work, especially the computer models. Sometimes we have to go back to the drawing board and start again. Thankfully it gets faster the next time around!
