• Question: What is your favourite part in surgery

    Asked by 689srge23 to Dominic on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Dominic Eggbeer

      Dominic Eggbeer answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      That’s a tricky one. It depends on the procedure, but there’s always a huge sense of satisfaction when something I’ve design ‘clicks’ into the correct location and the surgeon(s) smile. That’s usually once the dissection has been undertaken.

      Some of the most fascinating procedures are neuro ones, where they have to remove large portions of the skull (for conditions such as fibrous dysplasia), revealing a pulsating brain, the eyes…. It sounds slightly gory, but it’s fascinating from an engineering perspective to appreciate the precision required under challenging conditions. In all cases I’ve been it, the surgeons are always calm, chatty and listening to music….something they probably need to do when they’re operating all day on one person.
