I would like to be settled in a university as a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering who specialises in Biomedical research topics. It would be great to be working with lots of doctors and patients on projects. That is what I’m trying to work towards.
Hopefully I’ll still be working at a University to improve research in biomedical engineering. By then I hope to have built a working heart valve that has been tested time and time again to prove it’s safe.
I would also like to have written in many articles and book chapters on the findings of my work which other people can use to help them build valves.
Hopefully happy, healthy, surrounded by happy and healthy friends doing the work I love! Career wise, I’m aiming for professorship soon (just so I can legitimately wear elbow patches on a jacket) since it’s about the only way to get promoted. I have some grand plans, but sometimes you can’t plan everything.