
Owen Jeffreys
Curriculum Vitae
BEng (Hons) Electronic and Computer Systems
Work History:
GE Aviation Systems Ltd.
Current Job:
Embedded Software Engineer
L3Harris Technologies
About Me
Inquisitive, creative and very friendly - the sort of person who likes to build pointless things just because you can. Oh, and I almost forgot, I'm a software engineer by profession.
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Hi, my name is Owen. I live in the countryside and enjoy my walks. I am a keen photographer, so my camera always comes with me wherever I go. I enjoy snapping landscapes, birds and nature best. I have a few pets, so these keep me busy and also make an appearance in my photos 🙂 In my spare time I have several hobbies on the go which involve computer animation, RaspberryPIs, cameras, 3D printers and birds…
My Work
I write computer code to save lives
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I started my career as a Degree Apprentice. You may have heard of Degree (or Higher) Apprenticeships as they have become more popular these past few years. In short, you work part-time for a company and study at University the rest of the time. You are sponsored by the company who pay your tuition fees as well as paying you a decent salary (not the traditional “apprentice” wage). If you have any questions about these please do ask.
I have previously worked for a large aerospace company, designing and building parts for aeroplanes, helicopters and jets. Not the wings and wheels that you see when you go flying, but the hidden parts which actually make the plane fly – the electronic bits and the computer code. If you see a jumbo jet flying overhead or travel on one when you go on holiday, I have probably written some software for it at somepoint.
I specialised a bit more, and now I work as an Embedded Software engineer in the defence industry which is very rewarding as I basically write code to protect people on the battlefield and save lives.
My Typical Day: I am an engineer, but not the sort of engineer you may be thinking of that "fixes cars".
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Every day must always start with a cup of tea…and frequent coffees throughout the rest of the day 🙂
I am an Embedded Electronics and Software Engineer. I design electronic circuit boards (like the ones inside your phones) and I write the software (computer code) which runs inside them, so I spend a lot of time in front of a computer not getting my hands dirty.
My Interview
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Parents and college teacher
What was your favourite subject at school?
Science and english
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Baker, and I'd run a bed and breakfast with a restuarant
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Don't really follow a band, but I love classical music - it helps my brain think
What's your favourite food?
Anything other than mushrooms :L
Tell us a joke.
You go first