
Ross Hall
Curriculum Vitae
Astley Community High school , Tyne Metropolitan college , Northumbria university and Newcastle University.
9 GCSE’s A-C , BTEC level 3 in Mechanical Engineering , HNC level 4 in Mechanical engineering , BEng Level 6 in Mechanical Engineering
Work History:
Hartshorne’s paper round , Youth Worker , Apprentice Draftsperson , Mechanical Draftsperson
Current Job:
Front End Design Engineer
American Air filter .
About Me
26-year-old Engineer from Newcastle, completed an apprenticeship, bachelors degree and now studying towards a masters degree.
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My names Ross, I’m 26 and have lived in Newcastle all my life. I Attended Astley Community High School up until my A levels. I decided A levels weren’t for me and applied for an apprenticeship.8 Years later, I’ve completed my apprenticeship; I’ve got my Engineering degree, and I’m now studying towards a masters degree while working full time. This past year has been very busy with work, university and buying a house.
My Work
I design equipment for gas turbines on oil rigs. An aeroplane engine is a type of gas turbine .
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Illustration eines Verdichterstrangs mit einem STC-SV-Turboverdichter und einer SGT-400-Gasturbine.
Illustration of a compressor train with an STC-SV turbo compressor and an SGT-400 gas turbine.
In my job, I have to visit different oil platforms to see if we can make their gas turbine work better. To travel to the oil rig, I go on a helicopter. These helicopters are much bigger than the ones you see on the television and can fit 21 people inside. Once I have arrived, I put on my safety equipment (hardhat, boots , safety glasses, overalls and gloves ) and go and inspect the turbine. When I check the turbine system, I have to measure the equipment and then draw it. This sketch is called a survey. When the survey is complete, and I have all the information I need, I fly back to the office, and we begin to look at what improvements we can make.
When we know what we can improve, we get a price, and we offer it to the oil company. If they are happy with the price, we will then design the new product on the computer and then build the new equipment in the factory.
Illustration eines Verdichterstrangs mit einem STC-SV-Turboverdichter und einer SGT-400-Gasturbine.
My Typical Day: I leave the house at 8 am, drop my Girlfriend off at work and arrive at my place of work just before 9. I get a cup of coffee, check my emails and see what needs to be done that day.most of the time im designing things on the computer using software called CAD. I have my lunch at 12:45 and then go for a quick walk before returning to my desk at 1:15. With the designs complete, I have a meeting with the workers from the factory, so they know what they need to build. Once everyone is happy, we can start cutting metal and building the product.
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I leave the house at 8 am and drive to where my girlfriend works to drop her off. After I have dropped her off, I head to my work, this is usually a 15-minute drive. I get to work and make a coffee before opening my emails. I typically have to design something on the computer, this is done on Autocad and Autodesk inventor. This will take most of the day. I usually do some before lunch and then some afterwards. When the design is complete, we create a drawing which we can give to the factory. This drawing tells the workers how to build the equipment. When the workers understand what they need to do, they can cut the metal and then weld it together to create the product. After work is finished, I drive home, have my tea and then head to the gym. Once I’ve been to the gym I try to do a little bit of university work each night
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Focused on improvement
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Got an Apprenticeship
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Great Uncle , he used to design ships on the River Tyne.
What was your favourite subject at school?
PE , Maths and Physics
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Design Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Accountant or Scientist
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Arctic monkeys
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Visited America
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1.Pass all my exams 2. Unlimited money 3. Weekends are 4 days long
Tell us a joke.
What do you call a man with paper trousers ?..... Russell