• Question: Do you think that women need to start joining the industry of engineering more? if so why?

    Asked by ThisGirl'sANerd to Vinnie, Tam, Mo, Matt, Joe on 17 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Maurice Stokes

      Maurice Stokes answered on 17 Jun 2016:

      Absolutely! It is a very rewarding career especially in the water sector.

    • Photo: Vinita Khiroya

      Vinita Khiroya answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Good question. I think girls should definitely be encouraged to consider engineering more as a career. It’s a great choice for a career and I think often misconceptions about what engineers actually do means a lot of people ignore it as an option.

    • Photo: Tamsin Dobrowolska

      Tamsin Dobrowolska answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      I think that some women make great engineers (just as some men make great ballet dancers). It doesn’t matter whether you are female or male, if you want to be an engineer then you should go for it!

      Engineering is a really satisfying, challenging and fun career that women can do just as well as men. Believe me, I have had to show a couple of men how to lift a large engine off a block when they could lift it by hand! (It just needed a couple of pulleys!)
