• Question: if you ever had to create your own side of engernering why and what would you call it or why would you create it?

    Asked by The_Gray_Wolf to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie on 19 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Maurice Stokes

      Maurice Stokes answered on 19 Jun 2016:

      Hi, that is very good question because there are already engineering disciplines in every thing I can think of. So I would to say a fish and chip engineer because want to make the best fish and chips possible ?!

    • Photo: Matthew Hobbs

      Matthew Hobbs answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Interesting question The_Gray_Wolf!

      I am a chemical engineer and I study light so I would like to use the term “photochemical engineering” (photo coming from the latin word for light, think of photograph).

    • Photo: Tamsin Dobrowolska

      Tamsin Dobrowolska answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      I would be a “sea and sea life engineer” to show that I can work on the sea whilst protecting the sea life within it.
