• Question: So what do you think is the most advanced invention ever created? (Excluding Sliced Bread)

    Asked by Joe_R#8 to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie on 19 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by #amazing engeniring, keep calm and do engineer.
    • Photo: Maurice Stokes

      Maurice Stokes answered on 19 Jun 2016:

      Hi, great question and I’m sure the others will have other ones to compete. Mine would have to be hydraulics, they have enabled us engineers to lift heavier loads, dig bigger holes and build massive structures. Check out my profile for things I’ve done with the help of hydraulics.

    • Photo: Tamsin Dobrowolska

      Tamsin Dobrowolska answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Great question. I guess it depends what you mean by “advanced”.

      I agree with Maurice that hydraulics are incredibly useful (I could lift things on and off my ships without the aid of hydraulics). But, equally, I think that some of the electronics that we use now are incredibly advanced.

      On some of my ships we have a thing called “dynamic positioning” which allows the deck officers to use computers to control the position of a ship. This is really important as it has enabled ships to come really close to other things (such as other ships, docks, reefs and oil platforms). It has dramatically reduced the number of accidents at sea and made holding position much easier and safer.

      Check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSEpV4HIAGY
