• Question: What's your worst in counter during your work as an engineer this year

    Asked by Ethani430 to Vinnie, Tam, Mo, Matt, Joe on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Tamsin Dobrowolska

      Tamsin Dobrowolska answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Hmm….thats a good questions. Probably when I have to empty and maintain (check) the black water tanks on the ship. These are called the black water tanks because they hold all the “black water” which is the water that is flushed down the toilet….Ergh!

      But even that can be fun because I wear all the correct personal protective clothing (including eye mask, gloves and nose mask) and I work with some really fun people who I can laugh with! Poo jokes are much more funny when you are cleaning it up! Haha
