Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions Answered by Joe
What are your hobbies and what do you do apart from engineering?
by Dogs4life and 2 others. to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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was yore engeniring teacher nice
by Intel to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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Wat-er you going to be doing after you retire from your job? (no pun intended… well maybe)
by Adria_Tm#5 and 1 other. to Vinnie, Tam, Mo, Matt, Joe
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What is your favourite sport and why?
by Calljobi to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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What is you favourite cereal?
by Calljobi to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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what is your IQ level?
by keep calm and do engineer to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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Have any of your projects failed before or is this your first project
by Dogs4life and 1 other. to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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How much money do u get on an average day
by Grace&ciara and 1 other. to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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whats your favourite part of being an engineer
by CALLUM and 2 others. to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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Have your experiments ever gone wrong ?
by 695watf28 to Joe, Matt, Mo, Tam, Vinnie
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