
Benjamin Males
Curriculum Vitae
Work History:
I taught at the RCA and other colleges before starting Studio XO
Current Job:
Technology Director and Co- Founder
Studio XO
My Work
Making science fiction science fact on the biggest stage in the world
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I’ve always been interested in the grey space between science and art. I studied mechanical engineering with a specialism in nuclear reactors and then straight after went to art school to study design.
I started Studio XO in 2011 with my Co-Founder Nancy Tilbury after we worked on a project together with the Black Eyed Peas, making them costumes that had LEDs built into then and could display images to the crowd. Studio XO is a fashion company that uses technology to create wearable technology which is beautiful.
Since starting Studio XO we have worked on a number of high profile projects for musical artists and other companies and developed many pieces of Fashion technology that has been seen by millions of people worldwide.
We are now focussed on creating mainstream fashion technology that you could go and buy in a shop.
My Typical Day: I am backstage dressed in black with a head-torch and a walkie talkie
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When we build costumes for musical artists such as the Black Eyed Peas or Lady Gaga it’s my job to make sure that everything will work on stage. We have a team of hybrid engineers, fashion designers and stage experts who help make sure that everything is ready for the costume to go live! I have to check that the batteries are installed correctly and that the wireless control is connected.
If you are in the audience to see your favourite singer you don’t want to see me! So everyone who might be seen wears black clothes. Backstage everything is dark so we wear head torches, like the ones you might use if you go into a cave, to see what we are doing.
Communication is very important so everyone has a walkie talkie and sometimes a headset if they need to use there hands to work.
Showtime is very tense and it’s always a relief when the artist walks on stage and the costume lights up on cue.
My Interview
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Started a company that is able to create beautiful engineering
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My Dad – he’s the ultimate problem solver. Also Bob Johnson head of D&T and my school, Whitgift.
What did you want to be after you left school?
I’ve always wanted to invent things so i guess ive always wanted to be an inventor
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Engineering is in everything so it’s difficult not to be an engineer
What's your favourite food?
Lamb Vindaloo – I like hot food :)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Built a flying dress