Question: I have an old computer tower and I was wondering if I could remove it's old OS and replace it with a different one (for instance the Raspberry Pi OS). Is this possible and how would I do it?
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Asked by DrProfessorKit on 12 Jan 2015.Question: I have an old computer tower and I was wondering if I could remove it's old OS and replace it with a different one (for instance the Raspberry Pi OS). Is this possible and how would I do it?
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DrProfessorKit commented on :
Thank you!
I was wondering if I could take the XP OS off and then replace it with the Pi OS, obviously that won’t work though so I’ll use Debian instead (thank you for preventing huge errors!).
Also, could I use that to run a web server? I don’t want it for the computer capabilities I want it to run a server, hence the Raspberry Pi idea!
Tim commented on :
Yes. There are several different webservers available on Debian (and also on Raspberry Pis). I’m using lighttpd on a Pi at home, and Apache on my server (which runs on Debian). There’s a bit of a learning curve with any of these things, but there’s lots of forums and websites offering step-by-step guides to getting things working.
DrProfessorKit commented on :
Thanks again!
I think that setting up an actual site would be a lot more fun than just getting one of those easy things! I love a challenge.
So, what would you suggest to use for it? Also, does it need to be plugged into my wifi router? Someone said something about a Network cable!
Tim commented on :
Lighttpd is supposedly easier to set up, but it doesn’t really matter. There’s lots of support forums for both apache and lighttpd. I’d use apache normally because that’s what I learnt first, but if I was starting again I’d probably use lighttpd.
You’ll need to connect the computer to your network unless you just want to access it locally (if you run a webserver on the same computer as you have the web browser on, you don’t need it to be connected to a network).
DrProfessorKit commented on :
Cool! Thanks for your help, I was slightly confused.
I hope it’ll work! Thanks again!
Wallace commented on :
Just to add on this when you will have your web server configured and some website you want to show the world you will need to route the traffic to and from your server to the web via your router. In order to create this yo uwill need to do what is called a port forwarding. See a goog tutorial on it: http://www.howtogeek.com/66214/how-to-forward-ports-on-your-router/
DrProfessorKit commented on :
Thanks! I think before I try to fully convert a laptop to a server I may test it out on a Raspberry Pi! My IT teacher said that I can borrow one for a while, so I think that will help me have a greater understanding of what I am up against here! 😀
Wallace commented on :
Good idea to start with Raspberry as you will find plenty of documentation and tutorials on the web.
And the good thing is that when you will get a grasp on how linux works on it, then it is very similar to use OS on any other platform.