• Question: whats your biggest ambition for the future

    Asked by esmer15 to Andy, Fi, Mousumi, Steve on 29 Jan 2015.
    • Photo: Andy Hearn

      Andy Hearn answered on 29 Jan 2015:

      Right now, it is to build more robots at home – it is me not being able to find the time to do so!

      — Lack of modesty alert! 😮 —
      I think I’m very lucky to have done and experienced so many different things; travelling, seeing the developing world first-hand, connected and talked with so many people from all walks of life, tried out many different sports and activities, bungee-jumped two of the world’s highest jumps, skydived, skiied (not in the same day!), rode a bike along the world’s most dangerous road (apparently) in Bolivia, saw Mount Everest up close (it was frustrating not being able to go up it, but I climbed up Mount Chachani in Peru – over 6,000m high – , and saw an active volcano in the distance from the summit – that was really something, so I’ve forgiven myself for not doing something about Mt Everest). Sand surfed, sea surfed, sailed with a crew of 10, albeit for just one week. Piloted a small plane (flying lessons). Started doing triathlons (still am doing them 🙂 ) So I think I was also lucky to have these ambitions out of the way before I settled down and had kids, so I’m quite content today!

      Other than that – my ambitions nowadays are quite ‘boring’; to continue learning about all sort of things, and to contribute back to society and humanity in a big way – that’d be great, methinks!

    • Photo: Steve Cox

      Steve Cox answered on 30 Jan 2015:

      I would like to inspire more young people to consider, and then take up, engineering as a career.

      Engineering is a great profession, it’s been really good to me and I would like to make sure many others enjoy what it has to offer.

      Currently there simply aren’t enough engineers being trained to meet the demand that this country will have in the next 10 years (170,000 new engineers will be required every year).

    • Photo: Fiona Dickinson

      Fiona Dickinson answered on 2 Feb 2015:

      I really don’t know, I’ve lots of small ambitions, learn to use my arduino’s better, publish various research papers, I suppose I’d really like to get some recognition for my teaching, that would mean the students appreciate what I’m doing… that would be awesome 🙂
