The simple answer is because it interests me, the more complicated answer is because maybe the little bit of what I’m doing may change the world one day, whether that is from an experiment I do, or from somebody I inspire or teach I don’t mind.
I can’t imagine doing a job that didn’t interest me, I love my job, I love talking about what I do, and I love passing on what I know, what better reason is there for doing something?
3D printing is quite a new technology and it’s a great deal of fun doing something that’s so different from one day to the next. This week I’ve printed someone’s head from a facial scan (a bit like a 3D printed ‘selfie’), printed a part of the human that will be used in medical research, and now I’m printing a Minecraft-themed Rasperry Pi case for someone. How’s that for variety?
First, I do what I do because I deeply believe that engineering and sciences are helping the whole of humanity. By understanding better our world, creating better tools and objects we enable millions to simply their life, sparing time and ressources and ultimately rendering humanity more efficient as a whole.
Secondly, I do this because I love it. I think the passion for it is what makes me wake up in the morning happy to know I will go to the lab and push the bundaries of what is possible a bit further.
Of course, thoses changes appears in the course of months/years/deacade but as the saying goes, ”we are making the world a better place, one step at a time”.
I’ve been drawn to software because of the instant feedback I get from doing things, i.e. I do a bit of code, and I get to see the results very quickly afterwards, then I improve the code, see results, and so on. Then in no time I’ve built something significant. The code can be copied and modified easily.
Other people who also code, developers, can share their stuff very easily, and learn from each other and improve within days if not hours.
It is also seeing machines work, move, make crazy calculations with amazing precision, and do other stuff all because of the code that is running inside.
… and I get to do all this for a job too! I think I’m very lucky there 🙂