Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions Answered by Fran
How does it feel when you finally help someone?
by sparklegymnast101 to Rumman, Pooja, Petros, Greg, Fran
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Have you ever worked on or planned to work on a project inspired by your pets?
by EdenN to Pooja, Peppe, Greg, Fran
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If you were to do another project what would you do?
by JC to Fran, Peppe, Greg, Petros, Pooja, Rumman
Comments: (So far, one comment )
have you done a different type of engineering
by cutiepop to Fran
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How are you going to improve our way of life?
by RickeTia to Greg, Fran
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If you could would u rather work as an engineer for NASA or USSR?
by Alexm96 to Rumman, Petros, Peppe, Greg, Fran
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what is your next progect
by IfeGotThis to Rumman, Pooja, Petros, Greg, Fran
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including you if anyone were to win who would you choose?
by alia*cutie pie 3 and 1 other. to Petros, Rumman, Pooja, Fran
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do you like robots? i do!
by OskieBeats to Fran, Peppe, Greg, Petros, Pooja, Rumman
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what age did you get your phd
by JK for life to Fran, Peppe, Greg, Petros, Pooja, Rumman
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