Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions Answered by Petros
@Petros what is your school in terms of your young age?
by Jorelacon>_< to Petros
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@Petros what is your favourite maths equation?
by 424artk46 to Petros
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what age did you get your phd
by JK for life to Fran, Peppe, Greg, Petros, Pooja, Rumman
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What do your parents work as?
by #Music Girl ; ) to Fran, Peppe, Greg, Petros, Pooja, Rumman
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do you have a brother or sister?
by J&O to Fran, Peppe, Greg, Petros, Pooja, Rumman
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Do you have any pets?
by IfeGotThis to Rumman, Pooja, Petros, Peppe, Greg, Fran
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what does space smell like
by JayDasher to Fran, Peppe, Greg, Petros, Pooja, Rumman
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what is your fave youtube channel
by JK for life to Petros
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what is your favourite thing to do?
by 336artk47 and 1 other. to Petros, Greg
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what is your best project and why.
by 786artk46 to Rumman, Pooja, Petros, Peppe, Greg, Fran
Comments: (So far, one comment )