• Question: do you think you will win the £500

    Asked by arashwales123 to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty on 16 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Tom Rooney

      Tom Rooney answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      I’d like to as I have a really good use for it to help get young people into careers in the ocean science, hydrographic survey and marine tech worlds. But all 6 of us have great ideas for the £500 so whoever wins you can be assured the money will be put to great use.

    • Photo: Yetunde Kolawole

      Yetunde Kolawole answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      Hi Arash,

      I hope I will because I want to use the money for school visits to get more young people interested in science and engineering and show them we’re not weird!

    • Photo: Laura Walker

      Laura Walker answered on 19 Jun 2017:

      It would be great to win and use the money to try and encourage others to follow this route into engineering – but I think everyone deserves it just as much

    • Photo: Gina Schade

      Gina Schade answered on 21 Jun 2017:

      I hope I do Arash 🙂

      I’m very enthusiastic about encouraging younger people into engineering and will be using the money to come up with something fun and exciting to do so!
