My Work: I work in a research office investigating how to bring faster data speeds which we all greatly desire.
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Latest Question:what were the mains reasons of choosing what are you doing now? and was that your decision or someone forced you to
Latest Comment:why should I be an engineer? (1 comments)
My Work: I manage and coordinate the global training of offshore surveyors, engineers and scientists in how to use acoustic positioning systems or...
Latest Question:What is your life ambition
Latest Comment:Do you enjoy not having a typical day at work? (1 comments)
My Work: I manage all designing and projecting of controls & non standard quotations for an Air Handling Unit Company… Along with helping with...
Latest Question:what is yoour favirite sushi
Latest Comment:do you have a fidget (1 comments)
My Work: I design Cryogenic tanks to store energy from cow poop
Status: In the workshop drilling and welding and its sooo hot today!
Latest Question:what is taramasalata
Latest Comment:Are you planning to create any crazy inventions or do any other research as an engineer as well as the work you already (1 comments)
My Work: I lead a manufacturing team that builds and tests broadcast cameras.
Latest Question:Is your job stressful as a manager?
Latest Comment:What breed of dog are you hoping to adopt? ( Sorry it’s not engineer related ) (1 comments)
My Work: Working at the interface of engineering and medicine, I am inventing new technology to help treat degenerative diseases using advanced materials like...
Latest Question:what do u preffer dogs or cats
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