• Question: Hi chris Has your work been successfull? what football team do you support

    Asked by tyr-tech.work to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty on 15 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by Cool_colin.
    • Photo: Christopher Bullock

      Christopher Bullock answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      I support Manchester United which probably wont make me too popular.

      I’d like to say that my work is successful but everything I do is very experimental and it will be a long time (at least 10 years) before any of it gets out into the real world treating patients.

    • Photo: Laura Walker

      Laura Walker answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      Sorry, I’ve got to answer it so it moves off my “unanswered” – I bet my Newcastle United answer is worse! haha

    • Photo: Tom Rooney

      Tom Rooney answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      Can we all be Chris?
      Football is 90mins of pretending you’re hurt, rugby is 80mins of pretending you’re not.
      Exeter Chiefs all the way!

    • Photo: Yetunde Kolawole

      Yetunde Kolawole answered on 17 Jun 2017:

      I support Liverpool!

    • Photo: Gina Schade

      Gina Schade answered on 20 Jun 2017:

      Real Madrid 🙂
