• Question: was being a engineer your first job choise

    Asked by cringe872 to Tom, Laura, Jack, Gina, Chris on 16 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Tom Rooney

      Tom Rooney answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      My first real job choice yes… when I was really young I wanted to fly in the space shuttle, or drive a dumper truck, but when I got serious about my future it was engineering all the way

    • Photo: Jack Irwin

      Jack Irwin answered on 19 Jun 2017:

      No I wanted to become an artist like my Dad and Grandad. I did not pursue it because its a tough profession to make a living from.

    • Photo: Laura Walker

      Laura Walker answered on 19 Jun 2017:

      I wanted to be an Astronaut for NASA – but second to that an engineer of some kind was what i wanted from being about 14-15
