• Question: what elements of engineering interested you into following this career path?

    Asked by Faba Lalu to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty on 15 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by Efetobore.
    • Photo: Christopher Bullock

      Christopher Bullock answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      In terms of engineering in general, I have always liked solving problems and as an engineer you get to try to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. This means that you can have a really positive impact with what you do and I think there are very few careers where this is just as true.

      On a slightly lighter note, as a job you do get to play with some really cool machines and technology.

      In terms of my personal choice to enter the field of biomedical engineering, It combined my interest in engineering and biomedical science and I could see that there were really important problems that needed solving. I could also see it as being a good career move as there are not enough people deciding to enter this area of engineering.

    • Photo: Laura Walker

      Laura Walker answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      I really loved maths – a big equation t solve was my favourite, I never wanted to be an accountant though, i wanted the numbers to mean more then that.
      I also liked to draw and design things so engineering was perfect.

    • Photo: Tom Rooney

      Tom Rooney answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      For me it was physics and mechanical engineering – but I soon found myself looking after a missile system which had, in one piece of apparatus, 2 radars, 2 signal processors, 2 different computer processors, a telemetry radio command link to the missiles and a 1.5 tonne mounting driven by powerful rare-earth motors with a complicated control system to keep it all pointing in the right direction… and that’s not counting the 32 super-sonic missiles it had available to fire. I loved it!
      Now I’m working with digital acoustics… so you never really know where life will take in this amazing world of engineers.

    • Photo: Yetunde Kolawole

      Yetunde Kolawole answered on 17 Jun 2017:

      Hi Faba Lalu,
      It started from my interest in maths and physics, I really loved solving equations and physics gave those equations a physical meaning. Then I went on to study electrical and electronics engineering where I was interested in how signals are processed, in antennas , that’s how I came to telecommunications which combines all those things.
