• Question: What is your favourite aspect of science

    Asked by IPLAYFIFA17 to Yetty, Tom, Laura, Jack, Gina, Chris on 14 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Laura Walker

      Laura Walker answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      I found Physiscs a little easier than the others because i found it similar to Maths – but Chemestry was my fabourite – I’m not even sure why.

    • Photo: Tom Rooney

      Tom Rooney answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      My favourite used to be biology but when I was choosing my GCSEs the 3 sciences were separate subjects, and I had to drop biology for physics to meet the entry criteria for the apprenticeship I wanted. I loved physics too so not a disastrous choice to have to make… I’m just glad it wasn’t chemistry LOL 😀

    • Photo: Yetunde Kolawole

      Yetunde Kolawole answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      Hi Rajan,

      It has to be Physics and Mathematics! They are both connected and I use them everyday.
