• Question: Would you say it is hard being lgbt+ in your profession?

    Asked by Jo to Gina on 12 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Gina Schade

      Gina Schade answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      I’m very fortunate to say no, I have not found it hard at all. Both in university and at work, people have been extremely accepting and supportive. There are a few who more curious and ask questions about being LGBTQ+ but it makes me happy that they want to learn more about it, so I answer them.
      I’ll admit, it was harder as a child and in my teenage years however, I was living in a country that was not as liberal as the UK. Nowadays, it’s very normalised to be LGBTQ+. It’s on TV, it’s on ads, everyone seems to know at least one person in the community!
