• Question: can u please explain what the atlas project is for a 14 year old ? :)

    Asked by ethanliverpool2013 to Samer on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Samer Kilani

      Samer Kilani answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      The ATLAS detector is a very large camera which takes pictures of tiny particles colliding with each other. As you might know, digital cameras are usually classified by the number of pixels they have. An average camera could have around 12 or 14 Mega Pixels. The ATLAS detector is a 100 Mega Pixel camera and it is about 45 meters long, more than 25 meters high, and weighs about 7,000 tons. It is about half as big as the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and weighs the same as the Eiffel Tower. And that is not all, this large camera could take 40 million pictures a second! How many pictures can you take in one second?
