
Ben Drumm
Thanks to those who voted, brilliant 2 weeks as far as I'm concerned - bye students!
Curriculum Vitae
Work History:
Just STFC since uni, and 2 summer placements at Oxford Universities Mechincal Engineering Department during uni.
Current Job:
Mechanical Engineer in the ISIS Design Division, working in the accelerator group.
My Work
As a Mechanical Engineer I take scientific concepts for particle accelerator equipment and engineer them into real working objects.
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I am a Mechanical Engineer working at the ISIS Neutron Source – a particle accelerator that produces neutrons. As a member of the engineering team I speak to scientists and technicians about their ideas and requirements for new pieces of accelerator equipment. I then take these requirements and develop them into a full specification for the new hardware. With the specification agreed it’s time for my main responsibility; coming up with a design for the new equipment that meets the criteria defined in the spec’. As an engineer in ISIS I’ve been involved in the design of large magnets, beam profile monitors and whole accelerating cavities. This equipment then gets installed into the ISIS accelerator, helping to keep the facility running and allowing scientists to perform world class research.
My Typical Day: I don’t have one…!?
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A typical day is hard to define – I guess the place I spend most of my time is in at my computer using CAD, but that’s certainly not the whole story…!
At the start of a project to design a new piece of hardware I will be meeting with scientists and technicians to determine requirements and assembling a specification. I also produce time plans (how long I think the project will take me) and budgets (how much I think the equipment will cost) and communicate this information. The design phase typically involves working with 3D modelling software (CAD) to come up with the new design, but I also hold meetings to update people on my progress and allow them to see my ideas. When the design in approved it goes out to manufacture, and during this phase I’ll be visiting the suppliers to check they are making everything correctly and answer their questions. When new equipment comes in it is tested, and during this phase I can be away from my desk a lot helping set up and perform the tests and getting bits remade in our workshop. When the equipment is finally installed, I also spend time away from my desk speaking to the fitters to make sure everything is going smoothly.
What I'd do with the money
Give it to the outreach team at STFC…
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The outreach team do things like buy cool scientific kit and take it to schools to inspire kids into careers in science and technology.
They would probably have better ideas for the money that me, so I’d pass it on to them…!
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Sporty. Well fed.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
When the beam profile monitor I designed got installed that was pretty good – it’s nice to see your designs installed and working!
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Mechanical Engineer!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really…
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm….. Pearl Jam.
What's your favourite food?
A big fat steak.
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Spent a week in New York with 4 uni friends…
Tell us a joke.
Knock knock….. Who’s there?….. I need ap….