Samer Kilani
My Work: Working on building the new ATLAS Detector on the LHC
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Does game programming count as a form of engineering?Latest Comment:
what colour are the lasers you use? (1 comments) -
Gary Boorman
My Work: I work in the field of Accelerator Diagnostics – using advanced detectors to monitor and control particle beams.
Dan Weatherill
My Work: I help design and test imaging detectors (cameras) used in space missions and particle physics experiments
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How big is the facility that you have created and are using to create these micro black holes, will you soon be able toLatest Comment:
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Ben Drumm
My Work: As a Mechanical Engineer I take scientific concepts for particle accelerator equipment and engineer them into real working objects.
Status: Thanks to those who voted, brilliant 2 weeks as far as I'm concerned - bye students!
Amanda Lewin
My Work: I’m an electrical engineer designing fire detection and alarm systems.
Status: Today's chats have been really good. Thanks everyone who took part!
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What did you want to be when you were younger?Latest Comment:
Do you think there are enough woman in this pofession (2 comments)