• Question: do you get any spare time ?how much of your time does this job take up?

    Asked by sophieemmanuel to Amanda, Ben, Dan, Gary, Samer on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Ben Drumm

      Ben Drumm answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      My working day is typically 8.30 – 5pm with an hour for lunch. Occasionally I’ll work longer hours BUT I’m on flexi time so any extra I do gets saved up so I can come in late/go home early at other times 🙂

      That’s just me though, there are engineering jobs out there where you put in longer hours (typically in industry, or if you’re contracting). But those people get paid more than me!

    • Photo: Amanda Lewin

      Amanda Lewin answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      My working day is 7.5 hours with a hours lunch break, I’m usually in the office from 9am to 5:30pm. Sometimes if we have a big project going out or someone is off sick I will have to work extra hours. If it’s on a weekend then I will get the day back as extra holiday. I don’t have to work late that often though.

    • Photo: Samer Kilani

      Samer Kilani answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      As an engineer in the Research field your time is mostly within your hands. You have to make sure that the job is done and if you feel it might need an extra hour or two of your day then you do it, but I rarely work weekends.
