• Question: What's the most challenging project you've ever completed

    Asked by okoln003 to Amanda, Ben, Dan, Gary, Samer on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Amanda Lewin

      Amanda Lewin answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      An office, sports centre, and hotel in the middle east. It was a challenge because it was a large project but also because there are different standards and ways of doing things in the middle east compared to England so there was a lot to learn.

    • Photo: Ben Drumm

      Ben Drumm answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      The beam profile monitor I designed was a huge challenge for me – It was very early on in my career (less than 2 years into the job) and it was a really steep learning curve both in terms of how to manage/run a project and how to design things from scratch. I learned a lot!
