• Question: Within your job, what is the hardest mathematical calculation you have encountered?

    Asked by 09iowilka to Amanda, Ben, Gary, Samer on 26 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Ben Drumm

      Ben Drumm answered on 26 Jun 2013:

      I once did a thermal analysis of a water cooling system to determine what temperature the object we were cooling would sit at. It took ages and the report was 39 pages long… :s

    • Photo: Samer Kilani

      Samer Kilani answered on 26 Jun 2013:

      I am currently trying to be able to simulate the movement of electrons in a semiconductor sensor. This requires a very deep understanding of the mathematical models of the electrons mobility and I also need to define all the constants of the semiconductor material!

    • Photo: Gary Boorman

      Gary Boorman answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      calculations with Laplace transforms can be tricky – but they can help make problems more simple.
