You can book two 30-minute live chats per allocated class.
The first can be booked between 6th January – 3rd April, and the second between 20th April – 10th July 2020.
Research shows that students who receive (and remember) multiple careers-related activities do better at school.
We know that students remember participating in I’m an Engineer. We want to make it even more valuable for them and you, as their teacher, by facilitating another chance to talk to the engineers.
Lesson Resources
- Live chat booking (important: book in advance at
- Access to the zone for individuals or pairs
Class discussion (you could put the zone home page on the screen as a stimulus)
- Who is your favourite team so far? – Do a show of hands for each team.
- Have any of your students’ questions been answered?
- Have students been reading about the team’s progress on the site?
- Write a list of questions you could ask the engineers to find out more about them and their work – keep these for the live chat.
Main activity – Live chat!
Not all the engineers can make every chat but students will be meeting some of them today. If students were hoping to chat with a specific person, encourage them to post their question(s) in ASK instead.
Log in using your teacher account to monitor the chat on screen and download a copy of the chat transcript at the end. Here’s a guide to using your chat transcript.
1. Explain how the live chat works:
- Click the name of the person you’d like to direct your question to (below the typing box) before you start typing.
- This makes it easier for them to see your question.
- Click on a comment to reply to it – this links the conversation.
- You can see linked conversations by clicking the speech bubbles next to a comment.
- Don’t be rude, write in capital letters or spam.
- If you do, you’ll be blocked from the chat.
2. Get students logged onto the site individually or in small groups.
- Click CHAT at the top of the page to access the live chat.
- Students VOTE for the team they think should win.
- Discuss as a class what the engineers are working on – what will they be doing when you have your second live chat? How do students think the mission will have progressed?
Suggested Homework
- Students continue to log into the site, ASK questions and read about the engineers’ progress.
- Remind students about the evening chats and encourage them to join. Dates will be announced here.