• Question: Are you associated with any space organisation

    Asked by hi on 28 Jan 2020.
    • Photo: Craig Leff

      Craig Leff answered on 28 Jan 2020:

      In my case, that’s a slightly complicated question. I work for University College London, but the money they have to pay me comes from the UK Space Agency. We use UKSA funds to do work for ESA, so that’s two space agencies and a uni involved. Before that, I worked for NASA, so I’ve been around space organisations for a long time.

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 20 Feb 2020:

      I work for Airbus, which is a company that the European Space Agency (ESA) has contracted (which means they are paying) to design and build the rover.

      The UK has a space agency as well, and they run their own projects and contracts, and advise UK politicians on what projects they should be supporting. Some of those are just within the UK, some are organised by ESA, and some are with other partner organisations or customers around the world.
