• Question: Are you famous?

    Asked by GokuTheEngineer on 17 Jan 2020.
    • Photo: Stephen Durrant

      Stephen Durrant answered on 17 Jan 2020:

      No I don’t think so, although I have been on an ESA PodCast for a few seconds recently!

    • Photo: Craig Leff

      Craig Leff answered on 20 Jan 2020:

      If we were, you probably wouldn’t need to ask! 🙂 We have all been on podcasts, web articles, local TV and radio, but I don’t think that makes us famous in the sense that you might be thinking.

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 20 Jan 2020:

      No, otherwise you’d have heard of us!

      I sometimes get to do interviews for web news, or sometimes even TV, radio, podcasts or newspapers etc, so I’m “the most famous person in my family” as they always joke.

      I do sometimes get people at work say “Oh I saw you on the TV last night”, which is pretty weird. Normally I have no idea what it is they were watching, as it’s often things like science documentaries or things like that that TV companies use as re-runs when they have gaps in their scheduling. So it will be something I was interviewed on that was filmed like 3 years ago, and I have no idea that they’ve shown it again unless someone sees it and tells me!
