• Question: Do you believe that aliens exist?

    Asked by HannahCold on 15 Jan 2020. This question was also asked by Chudu Charles, jazz130red.
    • Photo: Divya M. Persaud

      Divya M. Persaud answered on 15 Jan 2020:

      I think aliens exist but I’m waiting for the evidence! Imagine every star you see in the night sky has planets around it. There are trillions of stars in the observable universe; there are so many planets. Earth is so special because it had all the right conditions when it formed and as it developed. And planets are all so different from each other! But we’re beginning to learn that life can exist in really extreme, hostile environments – it may not need oxygen, or liquid water. When I think about all the planets in the universe, plus how much our understanding of life has changed and will probably still change, I think that life must be somewhere. I don’t know that we’ll ever see it 🙂

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 20 Jan 2020:

      I think there will be life in other places in the Universe. Just on the basis of how enormous the universe is, and how many other stars and planets exist. While we humans like to think that we are special and unique I personally think it is unlikely that we’re that special, and think that life will have evolved in other places just the same.

      Even if it hadn’t evolved elsewhere, it is very possible that it has spread elsewhere, just through things like meteor impacts blasting chunks of rock from one planet that has life, that land on others. We regularly find chunks of Mars rock on Earth, and we know that Earth rock has landed on Mars, so life could very well have been taken along for the ride. We could in fact all have evolved from life that started on Mars – we could be Martians!
