• Question: How many generations would it take to get to Sirius

    Asked by Sarahb on 23 Jan 2020.
    • Photo: Yuri Yushtein

      Yuri Yushtein answered on 23 Jan 2020:

      It take the ray of light 8.6 years to get there. Light travels at about 300000 km/s. Choose the flight speed you like, and you will know the time … however, according to the Einstein’s Relativity Theory, the faster you go, the slower the time goes on the spaceship relative to the time on Earth. You can look up the formula and calculate yourself 😉
      Hint: search for the “twin paradox” and you will find your way.

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 20 Feb 2020:

      It depends how fast the spaceship is travelling, but based on the top speeds we can achieve with spacecraft at the moment, the answer would be “lots”!
