• Question: How much do you like your job on 1-10?

    Asked by jazz130red on 27 Feb 2020. This question was also asked by hawk130ham.
    • Photo: Stephen Durrant

      Stephen Durrant answered on 27 Feb 2020:

      Not sure i can answer that directly, it depends upon what is happening and what I am doing. Right now we have just about completed the Rover so it’s great to see the thing I’ve been working on for over 10 years ‘come-to-life’. And we are just about to encase the Rover into the Launch and Landing system called the Descent Module. And then we transport it to the Launch Facility to mate with the Rocket and roll it out to the Launch Pad. Things are getting quite tense and exciting.

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 3 Mar 2020:

      It varies on the day but I would say anywhere between a 7 and a 10. Normally 9.

    • Photo: Andrew Ball

      Andrew Ball answered on 5 Mar 2020:

      I would say it’s pretty close to 10 most of the time, except for the occasional boring meeting (yes we have them too!).
