• Question: Is there any part of your work that has failed/gone seriously wrong?

    Asked by Abbie H to Abbie on 19 Feb 2020.
    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 19 Feb 2020:

      There are things that didn’t meet our predictions. Particularly things like how materials behave at very low temperatures are hard to predict when you’re basing it on data about their strengths at room temperature, which is the only data that is normally available when you first start designing. So we had some of our initial structural tests at low temperature fail at much lower loads than we were expecting, and had to change our design because of that.
      That’s the point of the testing though, so we have to build in enough time in our schedule that we have the ability to change the design if we get lower test results than we expected. It’s annoying, but you just have to problem solve and come up with a new way of reaching the required strength, and build it again, and test it again until it works!
