• Question: Whats the best part of engineering

    Asked by ldog2020 on 23 Jan 2020.
    • Photo: Yuri Yushtein

      Yuri Yushtein answered on 23 Jan 2020:

      Having a system imagined come to reality and work (in space!).

    • Photo: Trevor Deacon

      Trevor Deacon answered on 23 Jan 2020:

      Seeing the successful completion of a project.

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 19 Feb 2020:

      I like being creative and coming up with ideas of how to solve problems in the most efficient and elegant way. I also like talking to people, and the feeling that we are part of this huge team all working together to do something amazing!

      I also like seeing my designs being made into real-life parts and being assembled onto the rover – and knowing those things that were once just an idea in my head are now real and going to another planet!
