0 Question: where did you go to college/university Keywords: college, education, university Asked by buzz130zip on 28 Jan 2020. This question was also asked by TRAVISWATP11.
Stephen Durrant answered on 28 Jan 2020:
I went to Stevenage Technical College and then to The Cranfield Institute of Technolgy (which is now Cranfield University)
Divya M. Persaud answered on 28 Jan 2020:
I went to University of Rochester in Rochester, NY (USA), and am now doing my PhD at UCL.
Abbie Hutty answered on 29 Jan 2020:
I went to the University of Surrey in Guildford
Andrew Ball answered on 27 Oct 2020:
I went to Cambridge for my first degree (natural sciences), then did a Masters at UCL (spacecraft technology and satellite communications) and then a Ph.D. at the University of Kent.