• Question: What do you do all day?

    Asked by Holly😃😎😘 to Mark, Shruti, Faranak, Douglas, Charlene, Alistair on 8 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by iHEARTkahoot!, laurie.
    • Photo: Mark Bentley

      Mark Bentley answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      lots…….. 😉

      Admin, like emails and ordering of materials and parts and general workshop running.

      Design of new things…currently designing a semi floating raft to carry lots of plastic samples for a student, several to make to a tight budget, they are looking at what natural bacteria will “eat” plastics…

      Then make things, teach my apprentice.

      Also I will have on average 10 plus people a day come in asking questions/wanting new jobs doing.

      Always kept busy 🙂

    • Photo: Faranak Bahrami

      Faranak Bahrami answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      There are loads to be done every day. I usually start with opening my emails in the morning and replying to them. make myself a cup of coffee, and then write out my plan for the day, and list the most important things that I need to get done on that day. Then I will either spend my day in the lab playing around with the materials and making holes by using the magic tool I have designed 😛 or sit at my desk and work on the computer simulation that I’m making. Somedays I need to sit at the desk and finish off reports for university or my supervisors, or work. Some times I’m preparing powerpoint presentations so I can present my work to people or at a conference. I take breaks in between as well, it’s not all work work, sometimes we go get a coffee with my other collogues and things like that 🙂

    • Photo: Charlene Chung

      Charlene Chung answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      Quite a lot which all involve problem solving issues and coming up with solutions to problems that exist in the sewers, all after looking down the sewer systems!

    • Photo: Shruti Turner

      Shruti Turner answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      My days are all super varied which I love. I don’t get bored because I get to choose what I do each day and it’s all different. There are always some emails to deal with at different points throughout the day, I do some coding on the computer or some modelling. Sometimes, I’m in the workshop or lab creating the electronics or circuits, sometimes I’m in meetings with clinicians or companies to share my work and get feedback. Some days I am writing, whether that is journal papers or reports of my work. Some days I do some teaching too, so there’s sometimes student coursework to mark as well. All that is what I’m meant to be doing each day! There’s also general chit chat with the others in my office and making tea! There’s so much to do 🙂
