No. There are so many jobs out there and so many people with different interests. Everyone should do what they love. We do our best work when we enjoy ourselves and there’s no point doing a career that you don’t love. It would just make you unhappy.
Faranak Bahrami
answered on 13 Mar 2019:
last edited 13 Mar 2019 8:58 pm
I’m not a parent yet, so whatever I say might change later… 😀 I think Engineering is not the only job that exists, in our day to day life we need so many different people with different jobs and skills… like a medical doctor, like a taxi driver, like a policeman… so people should be able to do what they like and what they have a passion for. So no I would inform my kids of the options and help them as much as they need, but I would leave it to them to decide what they want the most.