Supported by UKSA and STFC
Questions Answered by Laura
Did you have an idea you wanted to involve in the project but didn’t make the cut? And if so, what was it?
by Jen_Lou_Xxx to Yetty, Tom, Laura, Jack, Gina, Chris
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What are you planning to do in your future in engineering?
by Niamh and 3 others. to Yetty, Tom, Laura, Jack, Gina, Chris
Comments: (No comments so far )
Would you ever do this again
by tons of fun to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (No comments so far )
How will your product benefit others?
by samladdd123 and 3 others. to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (No comments so far )
What is the best landmark you have seen? (Not on TV or Google)
by LDM076 to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (So far, one comment )
If you were to travel the world where would you go and why?
by 473canj46 and 2 others. to Jack, Chris, Gina, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What’s your favourite film
by xXFaZe_VAHNXx and 1 other. to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
how will you do every thing you say you are going to do
by arashwales123 to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (No comments so far )
if you had to eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
by unicorn_master_1110 and 1 other. to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (so far, 3s comments )
Do you need good eyesight to be an engineer?
by Emily G to Chris, Gina, Jack, Laura, Tom, Yetty
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )