Questions Answered by Mark
- Why did you pick to research and learn about them fields? by Elllxox to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (No comments so far )
- When you were my age what inspired you and does it still? by The BrightSpark to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (So far, one comment )
- If you cant provide solutions for problems and everything gets out of hand,what would you do? by Melville to Mark Comments: (No comments so far )
- When you were little what did you think engineering was all about? by The BrightSpark and 1 other. to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (No comments so far )
- have you thought about working on a different project by Tjptaylor to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (No comments so far )
- Why did you want to be an engineer and do you like it? by 537envf35 and 11 others. to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (No comments so far )
- Imagine you could create anything what would it be and what would it do by Tommy and 1 other. to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (so far, 4s comments )
- Why did you choose environmental engineering? by The BrightSpark to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (No comments so far )
- who was your hero/role-model growing up? by Tjptaylor to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (No comments so far )
- What equipment did you use? Did you use Lego? by The BrightSpark to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen Comments: (No comments so far )