Questions Answered by Pauline
If you could choose any new project to research what would you choose?
by Kiwi to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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What advice do you have for children who wish to take up engineering?
by mykolabihun to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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Do you 6 know each other?
by Lopyloply to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
by 426msep46 to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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how long did it take you to learn everything possible about engieering
by 745msep25 to Pauline
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
Do you think that the economy is benefiting with all types of modern engineering? If so why?
by 426msep46 to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What could you get out of engineering that you couldn’t get from any other kind of work?
by 426msep46 to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
what would you say to budding young engineers?
by 696msep46 to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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Who is your favourite celebrity and why
by 673msep52 to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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What skills do you think an engineer needs?
by mykolabihun to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris
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