
Holly Miller
Thank you for all the great questions over the last two weeks! I have had great fun answering them :-)
Curriculum Vitae
I attended the University of Edinburgh from 2007 till 2011.
I have a BEng Chemical Engineering with Honours. During school I received 5 Scottish Higher Grades in English (C), Maths (A), Chemistry (B), Physics (B) and Biology (B).
Current Job:
I am now a Process Engineer.
About Me
I am 27 years old and live in the Midlands.
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I am 27 years old and live in the Midlands. I am originally from Scotland and moved down South for the job at Jaguar Land Rover. I live with my partner and cat.
My Work
I write the processes to build cars and check the parts will go together.
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I work mostly with parts that will be fitted to an engine before it goes into the car. I check that the parts will all fit together and then write the instructions on how they should be fitted. I look at tooling and work out if the parts need to be fitted in a special order.
In the beginning of a project we look at everything virtually on a computer. Once the engineers are happy with the design, we begin to launch the car. This means that we start to build the cars properly and check that everything is ok. This is when work gets very busy.
My Typical Day: My usually day involves talking to Engineers about Engine parts.
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During the day I look at lots of different parts on my computer. I check that there aren’t any problems and chat to Engineers about any problems. I spend the rest of the day writing instructions to fit the parts. This includes a list of instructions, the parts that will be needed and any tools that are needed. When we go to launch these instructions (processes) are printed and given to the people that will be building the cars.
In my team, we each look after a different area of the car. I look after Engine and Cooling parts but there are lots of other areas like all the Electrical parts and the good looking trim parts which go inside the car.
My career path: During Secondary School I really enjoyed my Science subjects. When it came to picking courses for University I wanted to choose something which could use these. I took advice from my parents and chose Chemical Engineering, something I would find interesting but which also had good job prospects. I did struggle through University as the course was very challenging but I passed with a BEng Chemical Engineering with Honours. It took me a couple of years to get a job, due to self confidence. During this time I worked as a waitress and did some travelling which help with my independence and confidence. In 2013 I secured a place on the Manufacturing Graduate Scheme at Jaguar Land Rover and have been working there ever since. I am in a Process Engineering role which I really enjoy.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Friendly, honest, helpful
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
I was part of the launch of a new Jaguar car!
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
I enjoyed Science at school but it was my parents who suggested I study Engineering. To be honest, when I started university I wasn't completely sure what Engineering involved.
What was your favourite subject at school?
My favourite subject at school was Music.
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to be a Vet when I left school but it turns out I’m not very good with the gory stuff.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Once for talking when I shouldn’t have been.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
If I wasn’t an engineer I would like to work with Music or film.
What has surprised you most about a career in Engineering?
Engineering can be applied to so many different fields.