Questions Answered by Edgars
What’s a recent development that you think has really affected your job?
by El to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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What are your views on Brexit?
by join127sun to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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@Ejay where do you see you indestry in 10 years tmie
by FaZe bacon to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Edgars, Charnett
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as a gymnast what can i do to improve myself?
by quiz127tea to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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How would you like to travel in space and why? How would it work and how would you construct it?
by join127sun to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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Do you know how to stop pollution?
by star127tea to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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do you feel like your work is making a difference in todays world?
by star127sun to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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What sort of challenges does your job pose?
by quiz127tea to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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do you think humans are the only intelligent life or is there other life outside of earth?
by made127sun and 1 other. to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett
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