Questions Answered by Ed
Why are some stars brighter than the other, such as the star Sirius/Dog Star, which is the ‘brightest star’?
by GayatriD to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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How long does it take to build a rocket?
by GayatriD to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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Is there an end to space?
by GayatriD to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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Discuss How You’d Handle a Client Pushing Back Against a Safety Measure.
by stacey :) to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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How much rocket fuel would be required for a trip to Mars and back? Reply back in litres.
by YadM to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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Could you not make a way to gain energy on the journey to said planet? For instance if you added solar panels to the
by FinleyH to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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how did you became a enginrrr
by kasey to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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what its the biggest project done it by you
by Gabriel H to Hester, Ed
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Did you have trouble finding a career you wanted to be when younger?
by GayatriD to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana
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what’s one of your favourite thing’s about your job that stands out to others ?
by SabeenaH to Hester, Ed
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